Modern Slavery Policy

Policy Statement
Tactica Services is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in our operations and supply chains. We align with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and expect the same ethical standards from our partners.

1. Risk Assessment

  • We assess suppliers, subcontractors, and recruitment agencies for modern slavery risks, particularly in healthcare staffing.
  • High-risk areas include temporary worker agencies and offshore service providers.

2. Due Diligence

  • Suppliers must confirm compliance with anti-slavery laws.
  • Contracts include clauses requiring adherence to the Modern Slavery Act.

3. Training

  • Staff involved in procurement and HR receive annual training on identifying and reporting modern slavery.

4. Reporting Concerns

  • Employees or partners can report suspicions anonymously via [email/whistleblowing hotline].
  • Investigations are conducted promptly, and corrective actions taken where breaches are identified.